Monday, 16 September 2019

Te Poho O Rawiri Marae Visit

As we setup our beds underneath the kowhaiwhai my heart thumped with excitement. It had been a busy day with lots of fun activities and now it was nearly the end.
Parents started to arrive and everyone lined up outside the wharenui. It was time for the display night. 

First up was the Nui kapa haka.  We sang songs, swung our poi and the boys did the haka. Jump jam was up next. We danced to "Captain Jack." All the ukulele groups performed then all the parents left. Now it was time for what I was most excited for; the sleepover.

The lights switched off and everyone snuggled into bed. Bonnie and I shared a single mattress. It was really small. We talked until midnight than waked up early the next morning to someone snoring. 
The marae trip was a great experience. I learnt lots traditional games and even learned a new song. 
It was a lot of fun!                             
A traditional maori game                                              Ukulele
Nui Kapa Haka
Getting into bed


Huia reading: "Refugee"

In my reading group our job is to read a book, answer questions about it and do activities based on the book. The book is called "Refugee". So far the story has been very interesting and sad. There are 3 main characters in the book, each chapter they swap over to the 3 different people. Their names are Josef, Isabel and Mahmoud. They are all refugees fleeing from their home country.

Everyone in our reading group has their own book for "Refugee." In that book we answer questions and complete our activities. Last week's activity was to make a kahoot about "Refugee" and ask at least 20 questions about the book. Some of the questions were: